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Writer's pictureHallie Elise

Your Inner Child (4th House): Healing from Childhood Trauma

The fourth house in Astrology deals with comfort, home, and family but it is also an important house angle known as the imum coeli or nadir. The nadir pairs with your childhood and points to your inner child and what might have harmed you growing up. You can use this house to heal from the trauma that tainted you.

Aries on 4th: When it comes to holding this ferocious sign on such a gentle house, the native had a rough childhood growing up. They might have been known as the abrasive or aggressive ones and now hide that part of themselves because of it. They want to be seen as kind because they assume that is the only way to gain love. To honor your inner child, you must remember that your passion, your heart, is beautiful. You are made of resilience and there is no need to hide your power.

Taurus on 4th: With Taurus on the fourth, these natives have deep wounds when it comes to feeling loved and appreciated for who they are. They often had to prove themselves early on and now think they have to give, give, give, to gain an ounce of love. Please remind yourselves that you are deserving of love because you are you and not because of what you do. To honor your inner child, release what does not serve you, and welcome those into your life who see you for all your beauty.

Gemini on 4th: Oh how these children had the busiest minds and the most excitable hearts! Why do you cover this part of yourself now? Who told you to keep your voice suppressed? Your innocence is refreshing, the optimism you hold for the future astounds and inspires those around you, do you see your power? Often these natives are forced to “mature” their minds and are forcibly removed from their daydreams. To honor your inner child, make sure you take a dip into those daydreams and relax in the pool of your own mind. You hold so much mental power, release it.

Cancer on 4th: You were put in the maternal role at quite an early age weren’t you? It is beautiful that you know how to take such good care of those around you but early on you missed out on how to take care of yourself! There may be issues when it comes to self-care and making sure you are putting yourself first as you ultimately deserve. You cannot take care of others if you are not okay. To honor your inner child, take some time to sit with yourself, how are you mothering your identity? Are you being kind to yourself? Treat yourself with tenderness, stop being so hard on yourself.

Leo on 4th: It must have been so hard to have your light dimmed at such an early age. You were meant to shine out like the sun angel you are but you weren’t allowed that, forced to live in the shadows of others or circumstances or just life itself. You are worthy and you deserve to be as effervescent as you desire. None of your light should hide under a bushel. To honor your inner child try to find what makes you shine and dive into it. You have so much skill and your confidence should shine out and stimulate others, you are an influencer.

Virgo on 4th: Were you allowed to authentically be yourself ever? It pains me how restricted you were when it comes to finding your identity, so much so, you may even search for it now. Your childhood, to put it bluntly, was a mess. And it was a mess you were in charge of cleaning up, so now you go about life cleaning up after everyone to fill some void in your soul left open from the wounds of your childhood. To honor your inner child, make sure you tell yourself you are not in charge of anyone but yourself. You only have to be mindful of your actions and that is all.

Libra on 4th: You aren’t in charge of making everyone feel good about themselves. I know in the past, you were the peacemaker, the peacekeeper, everything runs smoothly under you because conflict is stressful and easily affects you and it’s just easier to take control but sometimes it’s okay to simply release. Not everyone can be saved and you are not in charge of saving everyone. To honor your inner child you have to learn to set boundaries and not take on others’ issues as your own. Your energy is precious, keep it protected.

Scorpio on 4th: Out of all the signs on the 4th, I worry for you the most. You have deep repressed wounds that tend to fester because once you open up, you may be scared of getting more hurt in the process. Please do not fear the idea of vulnerability, people want to love you, people want to know you but they cannot unless you open up at least the smallest part of yourself, you are blocking yourself from beneficial opportunities. To honor your inner child, you have to learn to be vulnerable and find the power in vulnerability. You are lovable, let people fucking love you.

Sagittarius on 4th: I think it’s very cute how you joke yourself out of the pain that stems from your childhood but there is no progress in simply skimming over your trauma with jokes, why not analyze it? The planet Jupiter urges you to dive into what has occurred in the past as it wants you to build into your new expansive and optimistic future but can only do so if you stop fearing what has been. To honor your inner child you must welcome what is to come by dealing with the past by analyzing and embracing it.

Capricorn on 4th: You have been old ever since you left the womb! You came out with responsibility and simply took it and kept running and running with it. You haven’t really ever taken a break, have you? It’s simply been go, go, go. So much so you missed out on your childhood completely! That sucks! However it is not too late to get your childhood back and I hope you know that. To honor your inner child, simply be a child. Whatever that looks like, go on a swing, eat ice cream at 10 a.m., dance in the rain! Give yourself that childhood pleasure.

Aquarius on 4th: You were shamed out of being yourself for quite some time, forced to hide a part of you that yearns to shine, your eccentric and individualistic side that makes your own rules and follows them as well, and now have to find out how to navigate this part of yourself without overwhelming yourself with the possibilities of you are and who you can become. To honor your inner child, do what makes your heart happy. Im so serious, don’t think, just do, be impulsive! No more shame, only embracement.

Pisces on 4th: You had such intense dreams early on, you dreamt of your future and your life and were forced to come back down to earth earlier than you like, yet your power is found in your subconscious, and to be stripped of that connection could have easily sent you down a dark path of unawareness when it comes to authentically knowing yourself. Now you have to search for something to fill the hole in your being. To honor your inner child, relax into your subconscious and find out what you ultimately desire from the life before you. Figure out what fills that hole.

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