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Writer's pictureHallie Elise

Intimidation & Impression [The Sister Signs]

The sister signs both have a lot to learn from each other, they serve as polar opposites but also as the same sign but in a different font. Their chemistry is unmatched and unbeatable as they share the axis that feeds off of one another continuously. They can find themselves intimidated and impressed by each other in various ways.

Aries + Libra

Intimidation: Aries finds themselves intimidated by Libra's objectivity, they are able to see the world without putting themselves in the middle of it at all times. As Libra is represented by the scales of justice they want equality and fair treatment that is provided through love. Libra however finds themselves intimidated by Aries's bluntness as Libras think over their choices carefully and consistently, Aries decides to go with their gut feeling, propelled by endless passion stored within their being. They are intimidated by their hunger.

Impression: Aries finds themselves impressed by Libra's kindness, not to say Aries are not kind but they see how Libra wants the best for those around them and will put others before them to make sure everyone is fulfilled. Libra finds themselves impressed by Aries's confidence, the way they captivate every room they walk into simply by being present in their energy, how they stand up for what they believe in, how their morals are kept so close to themselves. They are impressed by Aries's radiant and magnetic behavior.

Taurus + Scorpio

Intimidation: Taurus finds themselves intimidated by Scorpio's darkness. Being ruled by Venus keeps them from tapping into their own divine darkness so when they are able to witness Scorpio transforming and using that energy to mold into a higher being, they can find themselves intimated. Scorpio finds themselves intimidated by Taurus’ sturdiness. As Scorpios are water signs, they are moved by the current and sometimes bend to others' will whereas Taurus remains grounded and patient which Scorpios thought was impossible to do.

Impression: Taurus finds themselves impressed by Scorpio's desire to change to become the best versions of themselves. There isn’t a point where a Scorpio isn’t moving, co-ruled by pluto, Scorpios are constant. Whereas it takes Taurus 5-10 business days to do anything, Scorpios adapt to constant change. Scorpio finds themselves impressed by Taurus’ heart. No matter what happens a Taurus will remain full of love and tenderness whereas the world can turn a Scorpios heart black, Taurus tend to have a heart of gold, it is what they desire for themselves.

Gemini + Sagittarius

Intimidation: Gemini finds themselves intimidated by Sagittarius's might. Sagittarius is a very self-assured sign, they do not need to look to others whereas Gemini thrives off of attention from others and requires that feedback to grow. Sagittarius finds themselves intimidated by Gemini's mind. They seem to know everything about anything and their thoughts are fast-paced but focused and concise whereas Sagittarius cannot keep up with their own mind, they easily wonder how and why Geminis are like this but also how to become more like them.

Impression: Geminis find themselves impressed by Sagittarius's openness. They are an open book and don’t believe in shame because they do not care what others have to say about them. Gemini as an air sign ruled by mercury constantly has other people in mind but not Sagittarius. Sagittarius finds themselves impressed by Gemini's intellectualism. Their formed ideas and thoughts, their ability to be a natural teacher, their intelligence is book-smart whereas Sagittarius is more life-smart. Sagittarius feeds off of Gemini's knowledge and admires them for it.

Cancer + Capricorn

Intimidation: Cancer finds themselves intimidated by Capricorns masculine energy. Capricorns are quite forward and blunt, they do not prefer to mess around whereas Cancer prefers to gander through life, Capricorn sets goals and achieves them with a blatant ferocity that cannot be tamed. Capricorns find themselves intimidated by Cancers' feminine energy. Cancers beautifully ride the current of life with ease which can definitely scare Capricorn who feels the need to take control, the thought of releasing and accepting as Cancer does is alarming.

Impression: Cancer finds themselves impressed by Capricorns tenacity and self-awareness. They know what they like and will release what does not serve them, they work hard in everything they do whereas Cancer finds themselves stuck on sections of life, Capricorn moves with pride and strength. Capricorns find themselves impressed by Cancers' power. The power of Cancer is not blatant, it is subtle but overcoming. You can fall in love with a cancer without knowing it, they sneak into your life and overcome you without even trying, something Capricorns enjoy is the fact that they don’t really need to try.

Leo + Aquarius

Intimidation: Leo finds themselves intimidated by Aquarius’ aloofness. An Aquarius will not pay attention if they do not care and Aquarius have morals and have few things that they care about completely whereas Leo constantly cares to their own detriment. They distance themselves from things that don’t serve them. Aquarius finds themselves intimidated by Leos Candor. Aquarius can beat around the bush at times but Leos will come right out and say something as they value authenticity above all. They do not enjoy being something they are not and if they see a problem, they will address it.

Impression: Leo finds themselves impressed by Aquarius’ boundaries. Not everyone is welcome into Aquarius energy and Leos often let others who do not serve them, to be around them therefore, they adore the fact that Aquarius thrives just being with themselves if necessary. Aquarius finds themselves impressed by Leo's sweetness. Leos want themselves and everyone around them to succeed no matter what, if you are in their circle they root for you. As Leos are quite social whereas Aquarians are not, Aquarius respects the connections they share with others.

Virgo + Pisces

Intimidation: Virgo finds themselves intimidated by Pisces' emotions. Virgo feels similarly to Pisces but their emotions don’t overcome them as they do with Pisces. They often wonder how strong Pisces must be to be able to get through day by day just by existing with Neptune in their orbit. Pisces finds themselves intimidated by Virgo's work ethic. If a Virgo wants something it will get done quite quickly whether it be for work or personal life, they are doers. With Pisces, it takes some time for things to be completed fully.

Impression: Virgo finds themselves impressed by Pisces' connection with everything. Pisces have the ability to connect with nature, animals, people, its as if they are always in flow with the intentions of the universe. Virgo is an over-thinker so whereas Pisces feels, Virgo thinks and yearns for the universal connection Pisces has. Pisces finds themselves impressed by Virgo's attention. Virgos being one of the most observant signs, they are never left out of the loop, never behind trying to catch up, they are leading others. Pisces desires to one day be as in tune as Virgo is.

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