Can be used as well for Sun, Venus, and Mars
Aries: Red
Red is all about action and perseverance, it attacks your senses and it’s one of the first colors you see in a swarm of people. Aries stand out, the color red allows them to even more as it fully captures their ferocity. Wine and blood-red tend to encompass their mysterious and alluring nature

Taurus: Green
The color green symbolizes peace and earth as Taurus is known to be the calm, cool, and collected sign of the zodiacs. For Taurus, this color helps display their luxuriousness and beauty thats stored within them. Forest green and emerald green allow them to shine the most.

Gemini: Orange
A color to capture Geminis essence needs to be as vivacious and exuberant as the sign, orange captures the energy perfectly. The energy of orange draws you in and forces you to pay attention as Gemini does, without words. Burnt and bright orange are the most appealing.

Cancer: Light Blue
The moon rules the ocean as it rules Cancer, casting its blue light and illuminating its healing light. Cancer thrives in the color blue as it embodies their soft and healing energy. Baby and pastel blues truly capture their kind essence

Leo: Gold-Yellow
As Leo represents the sun, they shine as bright and need to be adorned not only by the sun but items and colors that pair with the sun. Whether it be gold jewelry or a gold outfit, these allow Leo to come into their solar power and take the world by storm

Virgo: White
Virgos represent pure intentions, they aren’t necessarily “holy” but they are unpredictable as the color white is, you don’t quite know what to expect, there is a mystery to them but not too much so it's overwhelming. A subtle cream color allows their darling essence to shine

Libra: Pink
Pretty in pink is the motto here, the two extremes of pink (pastel and hot) suit them the most as they embody versatility and tend to be influencers because they are determined to push the boundaries of who they are what they do. (Regardless of gender, pink is power here)

Scorpio: Black
I think everyone in the astro world is aware that Scorpio embodies the spirit of the color black, unpredictable, mysterious, weird, unique, dark. As Pluto rules Scorpio, the native is filled with their beautiful darkness that allows them to evolve and grow. It allows them to shine.

Sagittarius: Purple
Purple is the color of Royalty, everywhere Sagittarius goes, it seems as if they are continuously walking on a red carpet, head held high, intentions known, and they always have their mind set on a goal. Jupiter encourages Sagittarius to stand out, bight and deep purples allow this

Capricorn: Brown
Capricorn is the sign of strength and stability, they are continuous and present and don’t prefer to stand out by appearance but by actions, they believe actions speak louder than words which allows them to flourish in the color brown. Neutral tones suit them most as their beauty is enough to make heads turn.

Aquarius: Rainbow
Aquarius doesn’t like to settle on one aspect because their opinions are changing as they discover more and more about the world which allows them a variety of ideas and a variety of colors that suits them. They do well wearing multiple colors as no one color can keep up with Aquarius.

Pisces: Dark Blue
Pisces is quite the hidden sign, you don’t quite know their intentions because they often don’t know them either, they move with the flow and don’t fight the current, they are rich as is navy blue or midnight blue. They thrive in the depths of the sea and the darkness of life
