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Writer's pictureHallie Elise

Planetary Days of the Week

Updated: Mar 28, 2021

Each day has a planet that rules over it, with each day there are new things to accomplish and luckily the planets help you sort out what you should do for each day of the week to nurture and nourish yourself.

Tip: Which ever day your born on is YOUR personal day for self care! Your personal planet is here to assist you.

Monday (Moonday): Take it easy, this is when you're first getting into the groove of the “work week” its not too good to push yourself as Mondays bring out lots of feelings and you have to make sure to acknowledge them. On Mondays be sure to treat yourself to a nice treat or spend time with a loved one whether it be on the phone or in person, connect with others.

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Tuesday (Marsday): A burst of energy is released after Moondays which allows Marsday to take over. Here is where you plan out your upcoming days and focus on what YOU desire and want. Write out goals and manifestations that you want to see come into your life. Make sure to think before you speak and communicate with passion.

Zodiac Sign(s): Aries, Scorpio

Wednesday (Mercuryday): Hump day, where your mind is at its highest point, unleash your ideas and try to discover what the message is you want to give to the world. This is also a day to clean! Whether it be a fully body scrub or a full bathroom scrub, your mind is restless and sometimes needs to be distracted, turn on some tunes and get to work!

Zodiac Sign(s): Gemini, Virgo

Thursday (Jupiterday): Here lies a philosophical day, where time seems to stand still and nothing matters yet everything matters. This day is all about self-discovery. Who are you? Are you being the best you can be? This is a day where you can attempt to understand yourself and others, get some alone time, go to a beach or a coffee shop, talk to yourself.

Zodiac Sign(s): Sagittarius, Pisces

Friday (Venusday): Pre-weekend, Post-Work-Week, the best day to SPOIL yourself whether it be grabbing a drink with friends, hooking up, taking a luxurious bath, this is all about pampering and thanking yourself for getting through another week. You deserve a break and you deserve self love, reward yourself.

Zodiac Sign(s): Libra, Taurus

Saturday (Saturnday): the weight of the world weighs in on you on Saturnday as it wants you to correct the mistakes you made the past week. How can you become better? How can you grow? Reflect on how you got to this point and is it a point your comfortable at or do you feel uncomfortable? Saturn promises change and pushes you to it, allow it to guide you.

Zodiac Sign(s): Capricorn, Aquarius

Sunday (Sunday): How beautiful this special day is in relationship to its ruler, this is a day to do nothing, Im serious. You’re preparing to attack another week, go on a picnic, lounge with a lover, watch a movie with your family, no pushing yourself as you come of Saturnday, you need to chill. kick your feet up and allow your soul to release.

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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