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Writer's pictureHallie Elise

Debunking Sun Sign Astrology

Updated: Mar 28, 2021

The most modern/consistent form of astrology is sun sign astrology because of how easy it can be. Sun sign astrology places the sun sign on a pedestal because the sun sign is so accessible as we move throughout the months with sun sign seasons. Example: Scorpio season = late October through mid-late November

Although sun sign astrology has welcomed many people into the astrological community, it often does more harm than good. Many people begin to place all of their qualities onto one sign, which falsifies astrology and makes it a non-credible source.

A good example is Rihanna, who is a Pisces sun and although she is indeed a Pisces, her energy screams Aries because of her Aries placements (Moon, rising, Venus, and Jupiter). The issue is people begin to think Pisces is an active sign, that they are aggressive and get what they want when they want it which is untrue. Pisces is known for their patience, their kindness, gentle composure which contrasts the “go get it” attitude that Aries contains. People place all of her potent energy onto her Pisces sun and it’s inaccurate. Rihanna is also a businesswoman, and I’ve personally seen people equate her Pisces sun to her love for business and that is also untrue. She holds her Capricorn Saturn [rulership] at zero degrees [critical degree] in the tenth house [whole sign] which can attribute to her dynamic leadership and her multiple businesses. She also holds her Capricorn Uranus and Neptune in this house.

It is important to remind ourselves that we are composed of many signs and our dominance does not fall onto one sign simply because it is our sun sign. This isn’t to say that the sun sign is unimportant because that is false as well, it just is a very intimate placement that not everyone gets to see at first glimpse. I say it is your core placement, sits at the base of your chart as the foundation that other placements are built off of. But it is your soul sign, and your soul usually isn’t bared 24/7.

Sun sign astrology also enforces “cusps,” the notion that your sun placement can belong to two signs. Most of the time when people relate to both signs it is because both signs are in their chart, they just don’t look at their birth chart because sun sign astrology hides the fact that you do indeed have other placements to consider. Many walk into astrology not knowing about the moon sign or the ascendant or venus or mars or even what their birth chart is, and although I am grateful that astrology is expanding and more people are diving into this craft, I feel it is important to use it wisely.

Astrology is a craft & a study, people can be incorrect and misuse it and I think sun sign astrology allows people to move ignorantly and make false statements regarding astrological placements that harm astrology as a whole. I think we should encourage people to understand that we are not just our sun sign but we are our moon sign and our venus sign and our chart ruler sign, etc! Multiple signs have dominance over our being and if we learn more about that, then we further astrological education and also get rid of astrological hatred directed towards signs and the craft overall.

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